Monday 22 September 2014

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Alcohol and antidepressants

Let's be completely honest, we know this is not a good combination. However, it is normal for us at some point in the recovery process to want to go out. And drinking alcohol is not only socially acceptable but also widely considered as socially normal. So it is not that strange for us to want to try a bit of alcohol at some point, even if we know that it is probably a bad idea.

You may think alcohol can help you let go for one night of your bad thoughts and have a good time with your friends. But alcohol does not only magnify your bad thoughts if you drink too much accidentally - the main problem of drinking while on antidepressants is that the effects of alcohol increase considerably in your system (and not in a good way!!!) so it is very hard to measure how much you are drinking. So even if you think that you are in control, you probably aren't. Drinking while on antidepressants is not a good idea because the amount that before would have barely even made you feel drunk this time may make you feel extremely drunk and dizzy.
This is what happened to me this Saturday, after 10 months of avoiding alcohol almost completely after my bad experience in New Year's Eve.

Another problem of alcohol while on antidepressants is that if you are depressed and you drink, drinking can sometimes lead to other dysfunctional behavior such as other substance abuse or self-harm if bad thoughts begin to appear.

Other bad consequences may follow alcohol consumption such as paranoia (this happened to me) or some other weird effect due to the mix of alcohol and antidepressants.

And let's be fair, no one wants to be suffering from a hangover on top of depression because depression's symptoms can be worsened.

For all these reasons I strongly encourage all of you who are on antidepressants to try to resist any urge of drinking alcohol that you may have. From personal experience and people I know who have been on antidepressants and drunk, I know you generally don't obtain the desired results.

A good way of knowing what is best is to ask your therapist. If you want to drink one beer while socializing and because you like it, that should be fine, but you probably should not be drinking much more than that if you are on antidepressants.

The next post will be about ways to avoid alcohol and how to say no when you are offered.

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