Monday 22 December 2014

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So much food! (Christmas dinner) Surviving the holidays

One of the most popular and common things during the holidays is to have a lot of food, especially sweets, but a bit of everything really. So a big issue for those of us who struggle with eating disorders is: how do you overcome the stress that comes with a situation when there is a lot of food?

I'm not sure of how it works in every country, but in Spain generally in the Christmas dinner there are a lot of central plates with food and people just take what they want. Whether it works this way (or doesn't) where you are from: make sure you are the one putting food on your own plate.

Don't start picking food from one plate and another because then you'll have no control over how much you eat and there are bigger chances that you either stress out and don't eat enough, or that you later feel like you have eaten too much and that makes you feel guilty. Even if you haven't actually eaten 'too much', it's easier to feel that way if you are picking food from other plates.

So make sure you serve your own plate and that you are okay with the amounts in it. This will help you keep track of how much you're eating and you'll be a lot less likely to feel like you have overeaten. 

Obviously, you can get a second plate if you are still hungry, or for desserts etc. But make sure you are also serving that plate.

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